Friday, October 24, 2008
Experiment: Part I
Okay, so what we did today is the experiment:
Factors affecting the rate of a reaction.
24-well test plate
HCl Solution
Zinc Nitrate Solution
Iron Nitrate Solution
Acetic Acid
Copper Nitrate Solution
And a few pieces of the following:
Part I:
1.) Add 20 drops of 3.0 moL/L HCl Solution to each of five wells of the 24-well test plate.
2.) Place a small piece of Mg in the first well, a piece of Al in the second, a piece of Zn on the third, a piece of Fe in the fourth, and a piece of Cu in the fifth.
3.) Observe and Record your observations.
1.) What gas is produced? How do you know?
2.) Write a balanced equation to represent the reaction.
3.) Do all the metals take the same time to react?
4.) Rank all the metals in order of reactivity.
4.) Add 13 drops of water and 7 drops of 3.0 mol/L HCl solution to one well. Use the toothpick to stir the solution.
5.) Add 13 drops of water and 7 drops of 3.0 mol/L Acetic Acid to a second well. Stir.
6.) Add 20 drops of 1.0 mol/L aqueous Zn(NO3)2 solution to a third well, 20 drops of 1.0 mL/L Fe(NO3)3 to a fourth well, and 20 drops of 1.0 mL/L Cu(NO3)2 to a fifth well.
7.) Place a small piece of Mg in each of the five solutions.
8.) Observe and Record your observations.
1.) What happened in each test tube? I dentify the products in each case.
2.) Write a balanced equation to represent each reaction.
3.) How much time does the Mg take to react in each solution?
The next blogger is Angela!
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
The Review..."Ëlectrons in Atoms"
Light and Quantized Energy
>Electromagnetic radiation. is a kind of ENERGY that behaves like a(n) WAVE as it travels through space.
--- Light is one type of electromagnetic radiation, others ex. include: X rays,
All waves can be characterized by their wavelength, amplitude, frequency,and speed.
>Wavelength.. is the shortest distance between equivalent point on a continuous wave.
>Amplitude.. is the height of a wave from the origin to a crest or from the origin to a trough.
>Frequency.. is the no. of waves that pass a given point in 1 second.
the photo shows the wavelength and the amplitude.
---A (n) Quantum is the minimum, amount of energy that can be lost or gained by an atom.---
Quantum Theory and the Atom.
1. Ground State. the lowest allowable energy state of an atom.
2. Bohr's Model of the atom predicted the FREQUENCIES of the lines in hydrogen's atomic emission spectrum.
3. According to Bohr's atomic model. >the smaller an electron's orbit, the lower the atom's energy level.
4. Also the larger an electron's orbit, the higher-energy orbit.
5. Bohr proposed that when energy is added to a hydrogen atom, it's ELECTRON moves to a higher- energy orbit.
6. ---- the hydrogen atom emits a photon corresponding to the difference b/w the ENERGY LEVELS associated w/ the 2 orbits transitions b/w.
7. Bohr's atomic model failed to explain the atomic emission spectrum of elements other the Hydrogen.
ex. Bohr's atomic model
QMM (Quantum Mechanical Model ). the modern model of the atom that treats electrons a waves.
Atomic Orbital. a three-dimensional region around around the nucleus representing the probability of finding an electron.
The difference b/w Bohr model and QMM(Quantum Mechanical Model ).
QMM treats electrons as waves and does not describe the electrons paths around the nucleus.
Bohr model treats electrons as particles traveling in specific orbits.
Electron Configurations
>The arrangement of electrons in an atom < style="color: rgb(204, 102, 204);">Ground-State Electron Configuration.
--3 Rules define how electrons can be arranged in an atom's orbital.--
Aufbau Principle. states that each electron occupies the lowest energy orbital available.
Pauli Exclusion Principle. states that a maximum of 2 electrons may occupy a single atomic orbital, but only if the electrons have opposite SPINS.
Hund's Rule. states that a single electrons with the same spin must occupy each equal-energy orbital before additional electrons w/ opposite spins occupy the same orbitals.
Well folks good luck on tomorrows test!!! the next blogger will be...............
Monday, October 20, 2008
Electronegativity worksheets.
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Atomic Structure: Electronegativity
Soo, let's get to the point.
electronegativity: Indicates the relative ability of its atoms to attract electrons in a chemical bond.
Basically, as you move across the periodic table - from left to right - electronegativity increases, and as you move down the periodic table, electronegativity decreses.
In grade nine (.. or last year), we were told that a bond between a metal and a non-metal is ionic, and a bond between two non-metals is covalent. That's still true for the most part, but on Friday, we found out why that's true. Chemical bonds between different atoms are never completely ionic or covalent, and what type of bond it is depends on how strongly the bonded atoms attract electrons.
We'll need the electronegativity difference to figure out the character of the bond. Having a difference of 1.70 is considered 50% covalent and 50% ionic. A number that's greater than 1.70 is then considered ionic and a number that's less than 1.70 is then considered covalent.
An atom with a high ionization energy value has a strong hold on its electrons, which means they are less likely to form positive ions. The opposite is true for atoms with a low ionization energy value.
When you move across the periodic table - left to right - the ionization energy increases, and when you move down the table, the energy decreases.
The electron cloud surrounding a nucleus doesn't have a clear edge, therefore the atomic radii can't be measure directly.
atomic size: How closely an atom lies to a neighbouring atom.
For metals, the atomic radius is half the distance between adjacent nuclei in an element [d/2], and for elements that occur as molecules, the radius is half the distance between nuclei of identical atoms that are chemically bonded together.
As you move across the periodic table - left to right - the atomic radii decreases, and it increases as you move down a group.
When atoms lose electrons and form positively charged ions, they become smaller. When atoms gain electrons and form negatively charged ions, they become larger.
Moving across the periodic table - left to right - will decrease the size of positively charged ions, and increase the size of negatively charged ions. The ionic radii of both positive and negative ions increase as you move down the table.
That's basically a summary of what was on those sheets that (you should) have gotten on Friday. Mm, we were given two worksheets for homework, and one that we did in class together.
Yeah.. that's it! I hope you guys had a good weekend. Happy Monday! xD
Next scribe will be ALVINA.
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Electron Configuration (shortcut)
But guess what, there's a shorter way to write this!!It looks like this:
Yeah, I also found it weird that oxygen had helium in it's title .. O_O
So to teach you guys how to do this technique, I shall show you this diagram:
Erm .. I just realized now that I shouldnt have blocked the names of the noble gases .. but I worked freakin hard on this, so too late to redo it.
so you should hold a periodic table on you
The periodic table is arranged so that all the S's, P's, D's and F's are together. AIN'T THAT NEAT ?!
I did the colors like how it is in our periodic table. All the elements in the shaded purple area, are S's, all the elements in the shaded orange area are D's, and so on.
Lets take this slowly.
Look at the element you want to name
1)You start at the first noble gas before that element (see diagram/periodic table)
- and the journey begins!
2)You write down your journey from the noble gas, to your element.
- every color you pass by, is a checkpoint. At the checkpoint, you write the row number (black numbers on the side),
3) then you write whats shown above it. =) .. ..
EXAMPLE If you didn't understand anything up there, ignore it, and you'll get it here. (hopefully)
Look at the oxygen example I did up there.
1) The noble gas before oxygen, is HELIUM
2) Now on your journey you go till the end of the purple area. CHECKPOINT!.
At Be, Look to your right, "2" then above you "s^2"
[He] 2s^2
3) Now move to the yellow area, and reach the finish line! O!
Go to the O, look to your right/left "2" look above you "p^4"
[He] 2s^2 2p^4
Hense, :
Lets do two more examples.
Oxygen was easy.
Lets do a medium,
EXAMPLE 2: Gallium
1) Noble Gas: Ar
2) Purple Checkpoint
[Ar] 4s^2
3) Orange Check Point
[Ar] 4s^2 3d^10
4) Finish line
[Ar] 4s^2 3d^10 4p^1:
1) Noble Gas
2) Purple Checkpoint
[Xe] 6s^2
[Xe] 6s^2 4f^14
4) Finish line
[Xe] 6s^2 4f^14 6d^9:
*DON'T FORGET THE GREEN AREA! The F's! It fits in after Barium, number 57 =)*
I don't like blogging, because I never have time for it, so I always usually start around midnight, and I'm a perfectionist when it comes to blogging. I go over it dozens of times making sure it makes sense, I draw pictures on all kinds of photo editing stuff, I emphasize and group stuff to make it appealing to the eyes, so you're not looking allover the place.
I'm a complex person. PLEASE DON'T CHOOSE ME TO BLOG NEXT!
Oh, and next blogger will be .. NELSA :)
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Electron Configuration
Today we learned about electron configuration.
Which is about how energy levels of electrons are designated by principal quantum numbers(n)
each energy level is divided into sublevels. in each level maximum # of electrons is set. we name each level, and the 1st level is called 1s (s for sublevel)
ahhh so hard to explain>>>
in each orbital we can fit 2 electrons.
okay so in "S" we have 1 orbital.
when we reach a higher level we name it differently like 2p which has has 3 orbitals
so the diagram would be.
S= 1 orbital
p= 3 orbitals
d= 5 orbitals
f= 7 orbitals
1= 1 level
s= number of orbitals
2= number of electrons.
1s2, 2s2
which would mean 1st level has 2 electrons which fills the whole orbital
2nd level had 2 electrons but only fills 1/3 of the orbitals.
I hope this helped cuz i didn't understand it at first.
Angela to scribe tomorrow!
Atomic Structure
Another lab that was done in class was to produce cool blue light. Students mixed luminol, perborate and copper sulfate in a beaker of distilled water. When the copper sulfate was added, the chemical reaction started. With the lights out in the classroom, the colour in the beaker was a blue luminescent one. This was an example of chemiluminscence.
We also covered the historical aspect of the quantum theory-read some bio's of the scientists involved in developing this theory.
Also saw a neat simulation showing an electron absorbing a certain amount of energy (photon) and travelling to an outer orbit. When the electron fell back to a lower orbit it gave off the energy in the form of coloured light.
Thursday, October 2, 2008
Today in class ...
next scribe is Ari5